Thursday, April 30, 2020

What are you filling your basket with?

Today I listened (for a second time) to a sweet lady named Randa Jordan.  She and her family are good country folks, gospel singers and Jesus loving Christians! I enjoy listening to their singing around the piano in their home as it reminds me of my own childhood doing the same.  As a music director I love music and feel as though it opens the doors to a more intimate worship for me.

So it shouldn't be a surprise that in her message it was a song that led me to write this entry.  The song Randa shared was entitled "Lord here's My Basket." (Gary D.)  Before she sang she said "Don't let your basket go unused - be faithful - do what's right."  I pondered on those word and the lyrics of the song for most of the night and well into today, so much so that when I returned from my morning run I was met in the quietness of the kitchen by our senior in high school Katherine.

Kate, as she is known by everyone, is a freckled face, pale skinned, flaming curly red head! She has the sweetest personality, loves people, love Jesus and dances to the beat of her own drum! Her goal in life (at this point) is to major in Chemistry and work for NASA; her science teacher mother is elated!! (LOL)

But today in the quietness of the still dim kitchen I asked her if I could talk to her about a few things that have been weighing on my heart.  See Kate has been a competitive dancer (tap, clogging, jazz, lyrical, & point) for nearly 14 years. Not only is she a fabulous dancer but she is "Gifted" for vocal and theater in our district's Gifted/Talented program. These talents have lead her to decide she would like to try out for the university dance line in the fall.

Every morning I shut myself into a tiny closet in the back of our house (my war room) and pray specifically for my husband, our girls, and many many others.  I explained to Kate I have been praying; she said she knew that, but that I cannot get peace about her following this path. That's when I brought up the lyrics of the song Randa had shared:

In each and every life there's a basket filled with goods.
Although it many not be used exactly as it should.
So many throw it all away or keep for themselves
While others they never use it, they just place it on a shelf.
Lord, I know that what you've done for me my basket can't repay.
But maybe with it you could feed some hungry soul along the way.

Lord Here's my Basket, It's not much i know,
But take it and use it, Please don't refuse it
Maybe it will grow.
Although i could keep it i'll give it to you.
So Lord here's my basket you don't have to ask it's the least I can do.

I have always felt God had a mission field for Kate and has given her a multitude of talents that He is waiting to cultivate for His kingdom. As we talked Kate began to understand we've never pushed her (very introverted self) to pursue any of the talents she has.  She said "Mama, God prepared all this.  My voice, my love of dance, my theater interest, my ability to play an instrument, my comfort on stage, my interest in the Word and music, and my love of science and math."  (YES LORD) - I literally started crying and laughing!! 

It was at this point I explained - look in your basket baby girl - don't throw away the "goods" God is filling your basket with for a scrap of bread today.  In other words, joining the dance line (although a fabulous group) is only going to allow her to use one of her talents, whereas looking to a larger "stage" that allows her to cultivate all her talents, has the potential to open the doors far wider, later down her "kingdom" road.  

Keeping the lyrics of the song in perspective that "stage" could be campfire singing at a summer camp.  It could be teaching VBS to children around the world, as she sings, dances and acts out Bible stories.  It could be using her voice at NASA or a Children's Hospital like St. Jude to create solutions to problems that seem impossible to solve all the while giving GOD the glory.  It could also simply be to sing her children to sleep at night..........

The point is my baby is leaving in a few shorts months. I need to know that her basket is filled with Godly goods and she is ready to sit at His feet and hand it to Him saying "Lord Here's my Basket. Take it. Use it." 

As I close I will leave you with these questions "What are you filling your basket with?" What are you throwing away? Keeping for yourself? What are you not using and placing on a shelf? TODAY give your basket to the LORD and watch it grow.........

Friday, April 17, 2020

Moving forward with education in the pandemonium of the pandemic

I have pondered this post for many days now in and among the pandemonium of education in the pandemic and here are my thoughts...........

For parents, you are getting a reality check of what education "really" looks like for your children. This may be good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective.  

Bottom line - quit blaming issues on educational jargon (Common Core) you hear the media tout. You are not expected to know all the pieces of every content. This is why teachers are trained educators and not just babysitters.  Instead, do what you know to do!  Your children should READ daily. Pick a book(s) they would enjoy. Your family can read it and talk about it. Your children can always review, learn, recite, write their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Even high school students can review things like memorizing squares and cubes!!  Use free resources like Khan Academy to cover content they may have missed and or teach yourselves what you don't understand. Here is another secret, the curricula for all subjects is available for free online. In Louisiana you can find every lesson to be taught in the core content at You have access to everything your child is and should be learning. Engage! Don't look for excuses. 

Communicate with your child's teachers. Take your children outside and plant a garden. Teach them how to change the oil in the car. Mercy, teach them that cursive penmanship everyone is worried about them not knowing. Watch documentaries with them. Teach them how to cook a simple meal. Teach them how to do chores like ironing. Paint the bathroom. Take virtual tours of museums, then have them research an artist and the historical time period. Train the whole family for a 5K. Read the news! Have meaningful conversation about anything!! Be a parent, set limits for social media for everyone in the house. Set a schedule for your children and for yourself. This is what teachers do every single day. Every minute of a school day is precisely planned and executed (including "free" time), because children need focus. If you are working from home, a schedule will really bring sanity to your life. You can do this! You have to parent, which mean paying attention to your child. 

Educators (from the top down.....) Let's be honest! We ended school around March 13th.  The state testing window (CBT) was scheduled to open March 30th.  In the time between March 13th and March 30th many of the districts had Spring Break planned.  SO - all these "skills and information" students are "missing" due to COVID-19 leads me to ask "How much content do you think was really missed in relatively ten more instructional days?" Here is the big secret. After the month of March, schools are in testing mode and that is really what happens. Testing! Most of us cover 80-90% of the content before April, because we spend April reviewing for the tests or giving the tests. Truth! 

For those of us on a semester block, students probably are missing some vital content like geometry or biology where the content is specific.  But even in Biology I planned for testing to start April 20th, so in my scope and sequencing I planned to be done with "vital" content long before then! Good teachers did the same. For content like English, these skills really spiral year after year. You can find the list of what they were supposed to read in the last units at the state department website. Have them read these selections. There are also practice state tests online for FREE! You should take these tests with your children. It will be an eye opening experience for you! 

Lastly, curriculum is designed to be vertically aligned! (See Louisiana Believes for those resources). What does that mean?? It means that standards (skills) are aligned from K-12 so they build in progression.  A 3rd grade ELA skill will be addressed in 4-12, but the level of complexity will increase.  For example, students are required to analyze all sorts of text. The level of the texts increase over time and their skills build over time. Keep having them read and analyze. They will be fine. 

Good teachers ALWAYS evaluate the previous years skills at the beginning of the year, take a critical look at data, and plan accordingly.  The idea that we as teachers have left so many of those skills undone this year because of COVID-19 is mind blowing to me.  As stated above your child should have had 80-90% of the content taught by March due to testing.  Even subjects like Social Studies and Science have this progression of reading and writing from complex texts built in them and their content is often revisited multiple times over grade levels. 

I'm NOT saying there are not issues or exceptions for parents and teachers. However, this idea that we need to start school a month early or add more minutes to the day to "catch up" is mind blowing to me!! We can't turn back time. Rather we can maximize the time we have in the future. We need to start discussing these issues. Let CLASSROOM TEACHERS have a seat at the table!!! Let CLASSROOM TEACHERS work to create lessons and assessments that are fair and equal to all students. Let CLASSROOM TEACHERS work to establish interventions! Then, let CLASSROOM TEACHERS teach! We are professionals. We demand to be treated like it. 

For the small percentage of teachers who are not working like professionals, get it together or quit!! 
Paula S. Callender & Dr. Amanda Mayeaux 

Friday, July 19, 2019

This is all I have to offer you........

This is all I have to offer you..........

This is all I have to offer you, my strength
Wrap yourself in it when you feel the nausea of disease creep in

Wear it like armor
When your body wages war against the drugs

Stand firm on it
When your bald reflection says you are weak

Hold on to it
When the searing pain of endless needles pierce your skin

Hope for it
When the world says you will be a statistic

My strength is all I have to offer you
As I lie here watching you fight...................

Lord only YOU can change ME..........a journey worth taking!

A few weeks ago our womens group at church (GROW) began a nine week journey with author Kay Arthur in her book titled "Lord only You can change me." (a study on growing in character from the Beatitudes)

To say this study has made me, or any of us, feel a "warm fuzzy" is a complete and utter lie! What it has done however is made a pretty "solid" bunch of Christian women really begin to question and reflect on our beliefs, our pursuit of those beliefs and what God's plan REALLY is for our lives. We are gradually learning the true character of GOD and what He longs for that character to look like in us.

Most of us have grown up in church. We know Bible verses, we know songs, we've heard hundreds of sermons but at this season in our lives...........we are looking for more! In this study - we are finding it. We are in need of it.

Please know that the following are MY thoughts. The comments and conversation shared in our group are confidential........................

Week One: "Getting Beyond our Masks!"
- Real Christian life - the genuine article - is never hypocritical - (K. Arthur)
- It is a lifestyle that can endure all the torrential storms of life and remain unshaken - (K. Arthur)

Read Matthew 5-7
-Those who enter the kingdom of heaven:
1- are poor in spirit (5:3)
2-are persecuted for righteousness' sake (5:10)
3-have a righteousness that even surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees (5:20)
4-obey God's will (7:21)

Monday, August 8, 2016

Praying for Authorities...........

Praying for Authorities.................

"Actions and decisions made by people in authority create a significant impact on those within their sphere of influence - both good and bad." (Kendrick, 2015) 

Yesterday afternoon our women's GROW group at Wallace finished up a study "The Battle Plan for Prayer, from Basic Training to Targeted Strategies."  One of the last chapters was Praying for Authorities.  

I've been pondering this chapter all week. At this time of year, as a teacher, and at this time in our nations history it has so many applications that I felt it needed several readings - and as usual the deep rich conversation from Christian women just solidified my thinking and my need for repentance and guidance..................

Here are my take-aways................

1.) Our authorities either help us in doing the will of God, or they make it harder for us to pursue. 
--Think Moses and Aaron - here we have Moses following God's lead - no matter what - and then we have Aaron...the people get rowdy, he gets nervous, takes his eyes off God and sins.  Moses is like "What are you doing?? TRUST GOD!"  - even in his disgust Moses went again before the Lord on the peoples behalf (Exodus 32) -- Now that's a leader - sees his peoples imperfections, helps them right them and pleads before the Lord for them - WOW!! 

The example we see is great authorities be it parents, coaches, principals, law enforcement, teachers or the president....either help us do the will of God, or they make it harder! 

2) We are to pray for those in leadership roles....pray they would.........
--Pray they would be blessed, protected and prosperous (3 John 2)
--Submit to the authority and ways of God and His Word daily (1 Peter 2:13-20)
--Come to the knowledge of Christ and surrender to His lordship (1 Tim 2:4)
***Lead with honor, respect, wisdom, compassion and godliness (1 Tim 2:2)
--Use good judgment, pursue justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God (Mic 6:8)
--Walk in integrity, keep their promises, and fulfill their commitments (Ps 15; 112:1-9)
--Not get distracted or cower into passitivity, but embrace responsibility (Neh 6:1-14)
--Watch over, protect, lead and serve those in their care (Heb 13:17
--Respect all people without regard to their gender, race, religion, or social status (1 Peter 2:17)
--Hate evil, pride, injustice, and turn away from Satan's lies and schemes. (1 Peter 5:8)
--Establish rules and laws that honor God's law and strengthen families and cities (Deut 10:13)
--Reward those who do right and punish those who do wrong (Rom 13:1-5; 1 Peter 2:14)
--Refuse to take a bribe or allow favoritism in judgment (Ps 15)
--Become hard workers who faithfully fulfill their duties (Prov 6:6-11; Luke 12: 42-44)
--Makes choices based upon the fear of God, not the fear of man (Ps 34; Prov 9:10; 29:25)
--Be a godly example in their roles and responsibilities (Josh 24:15)

**prayers both them and for ourselves, that we who "keep watch over their souls" will take our responsibility seriously and perform it with great care and honor, knowing we will give and account for how we handle the job

3.) God's call is for us to realize that unless they are asking us to sin, our obeying authority, in all situations, is actually obeying HIM! And by praying for those in auqthority, we are working in the best interest of everyone.  
---Government: pray for our countries leaders and elected officials, even those whose views differ from yours, knowing their leadership touches many people. God still uses imperfect authorities to carry out His perfect purpose. And the LORD can can turn any heart
--Bosses and Management: like all other authorities they are charged with four over-arching responsibilities 1) providing direction, instruction and an example to follow; 2) protecting with boundaries and rules; 3) praising those who do right; 4) punishing those who do wrong.; AND 5) pointing other to CHRIST! 
--Any leader dedication his/her position to GOD, can be used as a force of spiritual change! 

God Father, 
I chose to pray for those in authority over me as a demonstration of my submission to You. Please draw them to salvation and give them a fear of the Lord in all their decisions. Use them to guide, protect, praise and discipline me in order that I might do Your will, even as I do the same for those under my authority.  Use me to be a blessing. Grant me favor so I can daily help people live out their full potential under Your total authority and lordship. 

(Kendrick, 2015) 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Oh the Mustard Seed...........................

WOW - what a week the devil has thrown on me! (GROWL) - As I read the first words of today's devotion "I'm no quitter!" -- I literally laughed out loud!  This week I have allowed the devil to convince me I'm a failure - that numbers on a piece of paper dictate my very existence as an educator and are what create value in my kingdom calling - what an idiot I've been. 

Then I read about the mustard seed and thought "Hey, that's me!" -- 

Matthew 13:31-32 “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
- See I had forgotten the kingdom of heaven is in me - GOD is in me - HE alone has a perfect plan for my life.  It's my job to feed and water that mustard seed of faith and stand back and watch HIM grow me! Then hopefully, others (the birds) will come and seek out what it is in my life that causes this glorious growth and beauty that is JESUS...........
It reminded me of the song I sang as a child "He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be.............." 
So when satan, working in the world around you, determines to make you feel defeated and a failure, remember - you are a work in progress - be stubborn (persistent) for the KINGDOM calling GOD has placed on you and you will "move mountains" for GOD! 
Dear Father, 
I confess to You that my faith has been weak this week. Forgive me for giving in to doubts and fears. I know Your plan for me is certainty and hope!! Please help me face today with Your faith in my heart. Enable me to walk straight ahead through my fear, knowing You are with me. Remind me of the lives I have touched for Your kingdom through my years as an educator.  If Your will is for me to move on or stay put, let me have total confidence through faith that it is Your plan.  Today, I choose faith.
In Jesus’ name,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

So..........for the past few days I've been struggling with an issue. I've spent much time in prayer - I've spent much time weeping because I didn't know what to pray - feeling defeated - feeling unworthy - and unsure. As I woke this morning I looked to GOD once more for direction.........HE reminded me, through HIS word - HE was never the one who made me feel defeated, unworthy or unsure.......HE is the one who holds me under HIS sheltering wing - in HIS divine protection and always - always has a HIM alone I will place my trust.....and when I fall short of my goals - HE alone will lift me up, set my feet on solid ground and give me direction for the kingdom work HE has for me! Today I'm renewed - I'm looking ahead and knowing in my heart that HE has a great work in store for me - for the sole purpose of HIS KINGDOM!

I pray if you are struggling with something today - this word will touch your heart and give you the same peace and direction it has given me!