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So once again this "comparison" topic has raised its head in my daily devotion.....think GOD's trying to tell me something?? LOL - It's so easy to let others "attempt" to define, belittle and discourage us - but in those moments I remind myself I BELONG TO JESUS!! :)
I may not be the best wife, mom, teacher (coach), dance mom....etc... but I know I am not defined by what other wives and mothers accomplish or their talents nor as a teacher by some state "ranking" or other nonsense. My worth is clearly defined in GODs Word and HE alone will direct my path! So for those out there struggling - remember these key points:
Goliath fell at Davids feet - because David followed GOD
Daniel overcame the lions den - because Daniel followed GOD
Elijah called down fire from heaven- because Elijah followed GOD
The Egyptians were swallowed up by the sea - because Moses followed GOD
- those people who seek to STOP the work of GOD by making men and women of GOD feel defeated, discouraged and insecure (through comparison) WILL NOT HAVE VICTORY!! AMEN!! So quit looking to others to find your worth! Stop attempting to have control of your life and the lives of others! In everything you do put GOD first - do not make ONE decision personally or professionally without input from GOD first - then you will have no need to compare yourself to others because you will know with all certainty that GOD was in control in the first place!!