Good Morning,
Alli is trying to eat something and that is music to my ears. However, she is complaining of her throat hurting and her "booty" hurting which indicates that she is beginning to develop the muscositis. It's not bad and I am praying that this is the worst of it.
Her ANC is back to 700 today, Hemoglobin 7.7 and platelets ??? I don't know. Her liver enzymes were up yesterday but are looking better today and her other blood chemistry (Mg, K, etc..) are ok.
Today is her last day of chemo and then tomorrow is the "the day of rest." On Wednesday they will administer the stem cells and then.......we wait!!
This morning during my Bible study I came across this statement.
"Although there will always be some lingering influence of the flesh until we meet the Lord, we have no excuse for sin to continue to corrupt our lives..We have the resources of the Spirit of Christ within us to resist and put to death the deeds of the body, which result from living according to the flesh." ...John MacArthur. made me realize that there will be moments, and have been moments, in Alli's journey that my flesh takes over and I am downtrodden and have feelings of no hope. However, it is the ongoing battle between flesh and spirit that causes these feelings to arise. In that realization I also know that when these times arise it is up to me to seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit and the Word of GOD to win the spiritual battle for Christ.
Today, as you face the daily routine of life where will you turn when spiritual warfare arises? Who's side will you choose to stand and fight on? Warfare comes in all shapes and sizes. For some it may be food, depression, gossip, lust...(whatever). But the thing to remember is that it is a daily battle and it is up to us to "put on our armor" DAILY and wage war against the powers of this world, all the time persuing the prize of heaven!!!
God's love and mine,
Alli is trying to eat something and that is music to my ears. However, she is complaining of her throat hurting and her "booty" hurting which indicates that she is beginning to develop the muscositis. It's not bad and I am praying that this is the worst of it.
Her ANC is back to 700 today, Hemoglobin 7.7 and platelets ??? I don't know. Her liver enzymes were up yesterday but are looking better today and her other blood chemistry (Mg, K, etc..) are ok.
Today is her last day of chemo and then tomorrow is the "the day of rest." On Wednesday they will administer the stem cells and then.......we wait!!
This morning during my Bible study I came across this statement.
"Although there will always be some lingering influence of the flesh until we meet the Lord, we have no excuse for sin to continue to corrupt our lives..We have the resources of the Spirit of Christ within us to resist and put to death the deeds of the body, which result from living according to the flesh." ...John MacArthur. made me realize that there will be moments, and have been moments, in Alli's journey that my flesh takes over and I am downtrodden and have feelings of no hope. However, it is the ongoing battle between flesh and spirit that causes these feelings to arise. In that realization I also know that when these times arise it is up to me to seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit and the Word of GOD to win the spiritual battle for Christ.
Today, as you face the daily routine of life where will you turn when spiritual warfare arises? Who's side will you choose to stand and fight on? Warfare comes in all shapes and sizes. For some it may be food, depression, gossip, lust...(whatever). But the thing to remember is that it is a daily battle and it is up to us to "put on our armor" DAILY and wage war against the powers of this world, all the time persuing the prize of heaven!!!
God's love and mine,
Paula, I just found your blog.I really like your journal entries, so I am so happy to read your blog, too. You are truly an inspiration. Your family is an inspiration. Give Alli a BIG hug for me. Love you all eventhough we have never met. Donna Brandon