Monday, July 7, 2014

1 John 1:9 .........

OK -- so I'd like to follow up on verse from last night’s Prayer Meeting. We are studying the Joshua Code and I’m reading Whispers of HOPE by Beth Moore for my morning devotional. After last night’s study on 1 John 1:9  and consequently that morning my devotional reading had been 1 John 1:9 – I decided to re-visited the scripture….because I just knew I was missing something!!  My study focused on this core point "Without the cross - forgiveness and justice cannot co-exist."  Without the cross we would be hopeless - our confession of sin could only bring a "just" verdict of guilty and a swift sentence of "death" -- yikes!! 

I re-read my devotion & the Joshua Code devotion and thought "Lord, what am I supposed to find here?? ............" -- SO -- I did a little reading in my Bible (duh, God's word is always the best source) When I read this before I read the verse from my Bible but didn't really read the commentary at the bottom. 

At present, I am dealing with a person (who I believe is wrestling with satan) really raining down some misery on me. During the day and at night -- I walk around or drive and all I can do is literally cry or talk out loud to GOD pleading with HIM to protect me, my family and my reputation from this individual.  HE is faithful and multiple times has protected me, calmed my temper and kept my mouth shut - (BIG OBSTACLE) with this person! commentary led me to Psalms (143 and several others) -- Psalm 143 is a prayer for deliverance from enemies and for divine leading! (LOL -- ain't GOD good!!!) - I began to read GOD's Word and immediately felt relief -- and lots of laughing - because GOD once again just amazes me!! When Alli was sick I read the Psalms many times - some of them out loud to ward off depression and anxiety. It occurs to me that sometimes when my life is going along smoothly I forget to be as diligent in prayer and reading GOD's Word as I should be -- after all the devil is always on the prowl! But when trials come I want to jump into complete and utter 24/7 communion with HIM -- 

Which of course brings up back to 1 John 1:9 -- Forgiveness is truly conditional, confessional and continual (Joshua Code).  In order for us to feel that 24/7 communion with GOD we must agree with HIM that "we have sinned, confess our sins daily, and know true confession leads to true forgiveness........................huh - guess GOD really did want me to re-read 1 John 1:9! (Yes, I'm laughing out loud) 

I don't know what compelled me to write this morning (GOD?) - But I have been reading and studying since early this morning and I couldn't wait to share GOD's goodness with whomever HE intends to read this…………..

God's love and mine, 

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