Monday, July 15, 2013

One Spark!

This was in my Bible Study a few days ago: "Saying Yes to GOD" (Proverbs 31 Ministries)
" You may be thinking, my yes can't affect others like this. I don't have that kind of influence. But we cannot even begin to understand the plans God has for us. There is always a far-reaching ripple effect when a woman says yes to God. We don't have to see the spread of the influence to know it's there. The power of saying yes to God is beyond anything we could ever imagine."

As I mentioned before, lately I've had this nagging feeling, a constant ache in my soul for those in my community that are lost! But I confess I often feel very motivated but very small and unable to complete the task. I know scripture says "I can do all things through Christ..." (Philippians 4:13) but saying it and doing it are two very different things. Then, as my friend Cindy sent out our daily Bible Study she asked us two important questions that really got me thinking.

1) Is your soul on fire for the Lord? 

Reading these statements reminded me of when I was a little girl. My grandmother and mother taught me a song. Part of the lyrics were "it only takes a spark to get a fire going....and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing...." - But what is a spark? 

Spark: (noun) -- A small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.

A small fiery particle - when we come to know the LORD as our Savior we agree to take forth the message of the gospel. We agree to be the "Light of the World" (John 8:12). Jesus is the LIGHT (fire) and we are the sparks that "go forth" from that Light. We provide light in the darkness that is the world (alight in ashes - ashes are black - like darkness) Lastly, we are not made to light the world on our own. God has left us a helper in the form of the Holy Spirit but HE has also left you with other believers. We are to "strike against" one another for love, comfort and direction when we feel our light fizzling out. 

Just like the song above says, one spark starts a fire, believers come together to fan that flame and then ALL those around can warm up in the glowing light that is Jesus Christ.

Are you ready to say YES to GOD? Are you ready for your YES to impact the Kingdom of GOD? Are you ready for your light to start a fire in your community??

2) Do you really have a burning desire to know HIM more? (Cindy's second question)

So ---what happens to a spark if it is left alone? If it is not fed? Simply enough it burns out.

When we come to know Christ as our Savior there is only ONE way to keep that fire burning in us. It is to be constantly connected to the fuel source!!  

side note--I'm utterly confused at "Believers" who just come to church on Easter and Christmas, or worship at home through TV (except for home bound individuals), or just come on Sunday mornings, or just seek GOD's counsel when life gets hard.......I apologize - but it confuses my simple mind - because I KNOW that in my daily life if I don't surround myself with GOD, HIS WORD and HIS people, I'd get swallowed up by the dark ash!! 

I know in my life there have been times when I have given GOD more lip service than actual Kingdom service. Sundays that I just wanted (and did) to stay in the bed. I've utter words like "It's my only day off." or "I don't like....." -- believe me -- we all have. 

BUT - about 10 years ago my life changed -- My family and I became members of Wallace Baptist Church. Don't get me wrong - we didn't get up, walk down the aisle, put our name on the roster and all of a sudden become some "Awesome" Christians ('cuz we are SOOOO NOT) -- however, when I officially joined WBC I knew instantly that I had joined a family of believers. HOW?? 

This was clearly recognizable because they are a community of believers who everyday live the fruits of the spirit. (Gal 5:22-23) They constantly and prayerfully "Do good to all people." (Gal 6:10) -- let me tell you..........when you surround yourself with like minded people, who are faith talkers and faith walkers; it's kind of hard to not want to be one yourself!! IF you WANT to BE ON FIRE for the LORD and for your life to HAVE IMPACT -- then you must have a CONSTANT fuel source!! 

GOD's Word, Prayer and faithful believers are the recipe for SUCCESS!! Think about it this way..........Jesus - knew and referenced GOD's Word, HE prayed, and surrounded himself , with men and women who had a DESIRE to know HIM as their Savior. If we are to strive to be like can we do any less?? 

In closing....I would ask that you be in prayer for me as I continue to seek GOD's will for my life and HIS words for whatever is written here. My heart and the heart of several others in my church family are completely burdened for young women, young couples and families.....

Will you be a spark that starts a fire today??? 


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